"40 Kids, no Adults" -- yeah except for the ones with the cameras. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't a kid who wrote the contract the kids parents signed that gave away their rights to sue the network and the show's producers if their child died,
was severely injured, or contracted a sexually transmitted disease during the program's taping. They also gave CBS the right to "search the minor's person and the Minor's belongings (including, without limitation, by x-ray or similar device)." Additionally, the agreement notes, "Kid Nation" participants "will have no privacy," except when they are in the bathroom. Provided, of course, that the child is actually "in the process of showering, bathing, urinating, or defecating." (how would they know that?)
Yes. I'm sure this is how children would set things up if they were really running things.
As for the show, I would put Emilie in charge, and I'm worried about Greg, who already had a lot of experience butchering (why?!?!) and then killed the chickens "for the other kids" who wanted "fresh meat" and then they didn't give him the gold star. By the way, both of them are from Nevada, so it's not a geographical thing.
I feel gross watching it and promise not to buy any of the products that advertise, but I don't think that'll be too hard. I don't know who the target audience is, but they had an ad for Vagisil. I know it's dry in the desert, but...