Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Abraham and Isaac
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My First Hooker Halloween

Halloween is for children. And I guess for dogs too, but I don't think they enjoy their costumes as much as we do. I used to love Halloween, it's the only day of the year our neighbors let us kids into their houses and then give us candy (and we don't even have to go in the back room with Mr. Dixon). And what isn't great about a holiday where we can wear/be whatever we want and eat as much free candy as we want? But now that I've reached puberty (well, I haven't but, but most of my classmates have), it's hooker everything: hooker nurse, hooker pirate, hooker vampire, hooker veterinarian, hooker supreme court judge. Only for the girls, though. The boys still have normal costumes, but everything for girls has high heels, mini skirt, boobs, underwear, like all we girls want to be is hookers.
This year I'm going to be a hooker, too. But a real one. I'll have a black eye and torn clothes, and an angry expression on my face, and I'll have a gun too, to kill any pimp or john who messes with me. In fact, I'm going to be Aileen Wournos, who was supposedly a serial killer, but really it was a spree killing. She was a prostitute who killed rapist/johns - seven of them. She got punched or raped one too many times. Then they executed her. A horrible tragedy. Cause she was not finished with her work.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
France has children too
Wes Anderson
Darren Aronofsky
Jonatham Demme
Stephen Frears
David Lynch
Martin Scorsese
Full list: (it might have been quicker to name who didn’t sign the petition)
Fatih Akin, Stephane Allagnon, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodovar, Wes Anderson, Jean-Jacques Annaud, Alexandre Arcady, Fanny Ardant, Asia Argento, Darren Aronofsky, Olivier Assayas, Alexander Astruc, Gabriel Auer, Luc Barnier , Christophe Barratier, Xavier Beauvois , Liria Begeja , Gilles Behat, Jean-Jacques Beineix, Marco Bellochio, Monica Bellucci, Djamel Bennecib, Giuseppe Bertolucci , Patrick Bouchitey, Paul Boujenah, Jacques Bral, Patrick Braoudé, André Buytaers, Christian Carion, Henning Carlsen, Jean-michel Carre, Mathieu Celary, Patrice Chéreau, Elie Chouraqui, Souleymane Cissé, Alain Corneau, Jérôme Cornuau, Miguel Courtois, Dominique Crevecoeur, Alfonso Cuaron, Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Jonathan Demme, Alexandre Desplat, Rosalinde et Michel Deville, Georges Dybman, Jacques Fansten, Joël Farges, Gianluca Farinelli (Cinémathèque de de Bologne), Etienne Faure, Michel Ferry, Scott Foundas, Stephen Frears, Thierry Frémaux, Sam Gabarski, René Gainville, Tony Gatlif, Costa Gavras, Jean-Marc Ghanassia, Terry Gilliam, Christian Gion, Marc Guidoni, Buck Henry, David Heyman, Laurent Heynemann, Robert Hossein, Jean-Loup Hubert, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Gilles Jacob, Just Jaeckin, Alain Jessua, Pierre Jolivet, Kent Jones (World Cinema Foundation), Roger Kahane, Nelly Kaplan, Wong Kar Waï, Ladislas Kijno, Harmony Korinne, Jan Kounen, Diane Kurys, Emir Kusturica, John Landis, Claude Lanzmann, André Larquié, Vinciane Lecocq, Patrice Leconte, Claude Lelouch, Gérard Lenne, David Lynch, Michael Mann, François Margolin, Jean-PierreMarois, Tonie Marshall, Mario Martone, Nicolas Mauvernay, Radu Mihaileanu, Claude Miller, Mario Monicelli, Jeanne Moreau, Sandra Nicolier, Michel Ocelot, Alexander Payne, Richard Pena (Directeur Festival de NY), Michele Placido, Philippe Radault, Jean-Paul Rappeneau, Raphael Rebibo, Yasmina Reza, Jacques Richard, Laurence Roulet, Walter Salles, Jean-Paul Salomé, Marc Sandberg, Jerry Schatzberg, Julian Schnabel, Barbet Schroeder, Ettore Scola, Martin Scorsese, Charlotte Silvera, Abderrahmane Sissako, Paolo Sorrentino, Guillaume Stirn, Tilda Swinton, Jean-Charles Tacchella, Radovan Tadic, Danis Tanovic, Bertrand Tavernier, Cécile Telerman, Alain Terzian, Pascal Thomas, Giuseppe Tornatore, Serge Toubiana, Nadine Trintignant, Tom Tykwer, Alexandre Tylski, Betrand Van Effenterre, Wim Wenders.
EDIT: new names
Isabelle Adjani
Antoine Aronin
Paul Auster
Morgane Beauverger
Candice Belaisch-Goldchmit
Yamina Benguigui
Pascal Bruckner
Jessika Cohen
Philippe Corbé
Jean-Paul Dayan
Katarina De Meulder
Arielle Dombasle
Nathalie Faucheux
Corinne Figuet
Pierre Forciniti
Louis Garrel
Albert Gauvin
Johanna Gozlan
Davide Homitsu Riboli
Taylor Hackford
Isabelle Huppert
Neil Jordan
Thierry Kamami
Milan Kundera
Gaelle Lancien
Claude Lanzmann
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Sam Mendes
Camille Meyer
Patrick Mimouni
Yann Moix
Mike Nichols
Sandra Nicolier
Marie Nieves Perez Neël
Salman Rushdie
Carine Sarna
Ysabelle Saura Del Pan
William Shawcross
Olivier Soares Barbosa
Steven Soderbergh
Nil Symchowicz
Danièle Thompson
Eugenia Varela Navarro
Diane von Furstenberg
Scott Foundas
Margaret Walker
Elsa Zylberstein
and yay for French director Luc Besson who disagreed.
and by the way. Does everyone think that the one he got convicted of raping is the only girl he ever raped?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Bride Expo Exposed!

NOTICE!!! Two upcoming bride expos demand massive protest and actions to save these women. I can't believe they are advertising for this. How dare they just sell women like that right out in the open like it's okay? Just because you call her a bride doesn't make it not selling women, and these poor women probably came here thinking they were going to work as waitresses or in a factory. Traffiking is trafficking and it's wrong - no matter how much cake and lace you put on it (and I DO love cake). DON'T let this offense to women and girls everywhere go unanswered. We will be gathering at the dates and places listed below. If you don't want to get arrested you can peacefully protest (in the doorways - as thickly as possible). If you are underage, like me, then you don't have to worry about your permanent record--meet us at 9am on the 23rd in front of the Jaws ride. The liberation of enslaved people is never wrong - that's Ethel's Law!
Next week there's one in Los Angeles, and in October in Orange County (details are below - so be sure to come if you're anywhere close). But they have these bride expos everywhere, so plan to go to the local one if you can't make the ones here.
Universal Hilton Bridal Show
555 Universal Hollywood Drive-Universal City 91608
Sunday August 23rd from 11am-4pm
Hyatt Regency Irvine Show
17900 Jamboree Road - Irvine, CA 92614
Sunday October 4th 11am-4pm
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Current Events
Just because you lose your job and don't have money is not a reason to kill all of your children.
If Michael Phelps has to apologize for smoking pot, then the rest of us should have to apologize for NOT winning 8 gold medals.
When Ashleigh said she wanted to be a cosmetologist, Angela, who wants to be a lawyer, said "that should be your second choice."
If cows have to have babies to make all that milk, what happens to all those babies?
Does the kind of shoe you throw at a politician matter? Which makes a better statement, a child's shoe or a cowboy boot with spurs?
First Bush and his party had a giant party and trashed the country, and now they won't vote for the stimulation package so ALL children are going to be left behind. It's not all bad though, cause us children in Orange County finally know what it's like to have a snow day.