Thursday, April 11, 2013

children and guns

First a lot of children (mostly first grade girls) were shot at Sandy Hook school by a man, and a lot of people said there should be gun control, but some people, like the NRA said that if everyone in the school had had guns, then he wouldn't have been able to do what he did (even though he killed 26 people in 5 minutes).   At the time I was thinking, "if you're talking about arming 6-year old girls, I'm all ears."

But in the last two weeks, there have been two shooting by young children.  First a 4 year old (boy) shot a 6 year old, and then a different 4 year old (boy) shot the 38 year old wife of the gun owner (they didn't even say "allegedly" shot in either story- kids have no rights).   I'm sure the NRA thinks that if that 6 year old was armed too and if the wife of the gun owner had her own pretty pink gun, then these tragedies could've been avoided.  

It's clear to me that we should NOT be arming 4 year old (boy)s.  They're too immature, unlike the adults who left their guns in handy reach of the four year olds.    I think you should have to be at least 10.  Which I am.

What's Next? Burkahs?

A middle school in Petaluma California decided that girls could only wear leggings if they wore shorts or skirts or dresses over them.   They said it was because it was too distracting for the boys.  Next thing you'll see people stoning girls in the playground because their ankles are showing.  WTF?  Why don't they just make the boys wear leggings over their eyes and then there won't be a problem.   Girls should be allowed to wearing anything they want to school including nothing, and be perfectly safe from other people.    If you get too excited looking at some stupid leggings, then fuck yourself! literally!

Of course I would totally support the no leggings/tights policy if it had been done for the right reason, which is YOU'RE NOT WEARING ANY PANTS!!!!!  It looks like you didn't finished getting dressed.  tights are NOT PANTS!!!    Even if they're solid and you didn't buy the see-thru kind for $100 from lulu lemon and then "surprise - i can see everything!!"  it's still not a good look.  i can either see your underwear or your camel toe, or both.   And I'm not discriminating against girls.  Boys should not be allowed to wear bike shorts or wrestling outfits or speedos, EVER.