My grandmother said that my grandfather went to the first earth day back in 1970 - so he could meet other women to have sex with. That seems pretty much in line with the Supreme Court who are celebrating this earth day by declaring open season on the animals - fuck em, stomp em, make them fight each other to death, and then film it and call it speech. I really hope that movie "Furry Vengeance" is a documentary.
I don't think I ever want to develop any sexuality. It seems like people get off on all kinds of things that involve pain for someone or something else and they say they can't control themselves (or sometimes that they shouldn't have to). Yesterday I was at a grocery store and a woman at the dead fish counter ordered Chilean Seabass. I told her not to because there are only like 8 of them left, and she said, "but it tastes so good." It tastes good????? What is wrong with people? I bet her liver would taste good too, but that doesn't mean we should kill and eat her...necessarily. I guess as long as we think that our desire to eat, fuck and wear things is a reason to do it, we should just forget earth day and wait for more unpronouncable volcanos to make us sit the fuck down and chill. And that's another thing. People are actually mad at Iceland for that. Lucky for Iceland it went bankrupt.
Lack of self-control is the root of all evil.
I had a longer response, but it wasn't appropriate to say to fifth grader. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone had such filters?
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